
International Journal of Women's Health Care(IJWHC)

ISSN: 2573-9506 | DOI: 10.33140/IJWHC

Impact Factor: 1.011*

Awareness, Knowledge and Practice of Breast Self-Examination among Women in Majengo Health Center, Moshi Municipality, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania: Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study


Ridhiwani H Manyuti, and Adinan Juma

Manyuti, R. H., Juma, A. (2023). Awareness, Knowledge and Practice of Breast Self-Examination among Women in Majengo Health Center, Moshi Municipality, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania: Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Wom-en�??sHealth Care, 8(2), 50-60.

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