
International Internal Medicine Journal(IIMJ)

ISSN: 2837-4835 | DOI: 10.33140/IIMJ

Impact Factor: 1.02

Antibacterial Susceptibility of Bacteria Isolated from Wound Swab of Patient Receiving Medication in University Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada Abuja-Nigeria


J C Ogbu, Jimba Rai Amos, Egbenoma Aigboeghian, Aigboeghian Preciousgift and Omolehin, O.O

Ogbu, J. C., Amos, J. R., Aigboeghian, E., Preciousgift, A., Omolehin, O. O. Antibacterial Susceptibility of Bacteria Isolated from Wound Swab of Patient Receiving Medication in University Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada Abuja-Nigeria. Int Internal Med J, 2(3), 01-09.

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